Weekly Update – 2/1/16

I felt pretty good about my workouts this week.  I’m starting to feel more core tighten up (thanks yoga) and I feel like I’m starting to lose a bit of weight.  While my ultimate goal is to be healthy, I do need to lose some weight, so I’m happy to see that its starting to come off.


Yoga with Jaye.  I felt pretty strong in my flows, and I feel like I’ve been better about being more aware of my breath.  However, my balance was severely off last night and I struggled a lot with that.

I’ve been practicing yoga for about 2 years now, and its still amazing to me how much I learn each class.


I was so unmotivated to go to the gym on Tuesday.  Work has been a bit difficult recently and its been quite draining.  We went anyway.  I got a 5k in on the treadmill.

Michael ran his best time yet for a 5k – around 42 minutes.  He’s going to do so well on his first 5k in April.  He keeps telling me he wants a good first PR.  🙂  I told him anything will be a PR, but he’s determined and I love it!


I jumped on the treadmill and got a quick .75 miles in before yoga.  It was a small class, which I prefer.  Jaye was experimenting with a new warmup…not really a fan, but hey, its yoga, so I went with the flow.  Haha – get it, go with the flow? Flow yoga? Anyone?

Ok that wasn’t that funny.


Even though Michael was ready for a rest day, I wasn’t.  Got in a 5k on the treadmill at the gym.


Hit up the gym after work for 2.3 miles.  It was my 5th day straight without a rest day, so I didn’t feel the need to push it.


Saturday was a complete bum day.  Well, not complete.  Got a lot of laundry and housework done. It was nice to have a day at home to watch HGTV and catch up on stuff around the house.


Sunday was the Game Day 5k.  Recap to come.  I will say it is the COLDEST race I’ve ever done.  I stayed cold for the rest of the day. We did put a deposit down on a lot to potentially build a house later this year! That’s exciting 🙂 Afterward, we went to my dad’s house to watch the SuperBowl.

How was your week?  Did you race this weekend?


6 thoughts on “Weekly Update – 2/1/16

  1. First that’s so exciting for a house. Congrats!

    Second, it’s also really exciting to see progress in your fitness. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing progress with your hard work. I saw some photos from the game day races and it did look cold which is strange because it was moderately warm here!

  2. Congrats for the house deposit (especially!), the 5K race, and a great week of workouts. I think people underestimate just how much of a workout yoga is for your core but it can be killer! You can’t beat seeing the progress from practicing for a few years either.

  3. I did race last weekend, but it was inside because virtual and I’m a total cold weather wuss. Great job with all your running this week and congrats on the house news! That’s so exciting!

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